5 Easy Ways to Raise Your Recycling Game
A tidy garden or fresh coat of paint for your home can make a visual impact in your neighbourhood, but have you thought about your environmental impact? Residents in BC are some of the best recyclers in Canada, but it’s important to stay up-to-date and feel confident in your recycling know-how and Recycle BC is here to help.

Recycle BC shared some great tips for improving the way you recycle. Check out their article below and get ready to take your home recycling to the next level.
Recycle BC’s Top Five Tips to Level Up Your Recycling Game at Home
1. Keep It Clean
Before you even start to sort your recycling, it’s best to make sure your containers are empty and give them a quick rinse, if needed, to remove any remaining food or product. The rinse isn’t to clean your recyclables but to remove as much organic residue as possible before putting them in your recycling bin. Organic material can spread within your recycling container and affect the recyclability of other items so those few extra seconds spent emptying and rinsing go a long way.
2. Know Before You Throw
Once you’ve prepped your recyclables, it’s time to sort, and the most important thing about sorting is knowing what can be included and what bin it should go in. Depending on where you live, your home recycling collection may have separate bins for containers, paper, and even glass. But whatever system you have, we recommend ensuring you know if that chip bag should be included at all (hint: not in your home recycling bin!). Recycle BC is responsible for residential packaging and paper recycling and you can view our full list of accepted materials on our website.
3. Dip Over to the Depot
Some items will be left over from your sorting but that doesn’t mean they can’t be recycled. There are several materials that need to be returned to a Recycle BC depot like:
- Plastic Bags and Overwrap
- Foam Packaging
- Glass Containers (in certain communities where residents don’t have a separate glass bin)
- Other Flexible Plastic Packaging
If you’re unsure whether an item can go in your recycling, reach out to our team on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram or view our material list!
4. Get Ready to Reduce
What’s the most effective way to level up your recycling? Reduce your consumption. We’re not suggesting making a complete change overnight — although if you want to take that on, we support you! Making small daily changes can quickly add up and create a nice ripple effect. For example, bringing your own shopping bags to the grocery store reduces your use of plastic bags. When you get in the habit of bringing your own bags, you might start bringing a reusable water bottle or coffee cup too.
If you need some encouragement, our pal Erik Hurtado from Whitecaps FC has some advice.
5. Download Our App!
Did you know Recycle BC has an app? You can get it on Google Play or the App Store and get all the info we’ve shared any time you need. Our app is a quick and easy way to:
- Find out what can be recycled
- Check your collection schedule (in communities where Recycle BC provides service directly)
- Find a nearby depot for items that don’t go in your home collection
Take these tips, try them out, and ask us questions any time!
Recycle BC Events Team at the Fall Home Show
Recycle BC is a not-for-profit organization responsible for residential packaging and paper recycling throughout the province, servicing over 1.8 million households. Recycle BC works directly or with collection partners, like local governments, to collect materials and then ensures they are sorted and responsibly recycled. Recycle BC is funded by over 1,200 businesses that include retailers, manufacturers and restaurants that supply packaging and paper to BC residents, shifting recycling costs away from homeowners.
The Vancouver Fall Home Show is filling the Vancouver Convention Centre - West with everything you need to refresh your space. Don't miss your chance to connect with industry experts and get ideas and advice for your next project. Buy tickets online to SAVE $3. We can't wait to see you there!
OCTOBER 18-21, 2018.